Plant to insect horizontal gene transfer: empowering whiteflies
du 3 mai 2021 au 3 mai 2026
Site Grandmont
EA2106 BBV - Biomolécules et Biotechnologies végétales
A spotlight published in Trends in Genetic on a recent study which provides compelling evidences supporting the idea that a plant-derived gene allows for the detoxification of plant defense metabolites in a polyphagous arthropod herbivore.
"Plant to insect horizontal gene transfer: empowering whiteflies" by Louis-Valentin Méteignier, Nicolas Papon and Vincent Courdavault
Keywords : phorizontal gene transfer, detoxification, malonyltransferase, phenolic glucosides, pest control Abstract : Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a well-documented evolutionary driving phenomenon in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, but its impact on the plant kingdom has remained elusive. A recent study provides compelling evidences, which support the idea that a plant-derived gene allows for the detoxification of plant defense metabolites in a polyphagous arthropod herbivore.